The last thunder

    June 07, 2020

    The last thunder

    Style Guide

    Let’s look at the elements that can be used in this theme.


    This is how the headlines will look like on this website.

    This is a H1

    This is a H2

    This is a H3

    This is H4, H5 and H6

    <h1>This is a H1</h1>
    <h2>This is a H2</h2>
    <h3>This is a H3</h3>
    <h4>This is H4, H5 and H6</h4>

    These are sample paragraphs showing italics, bold and code text style. Fonts are carefully choosen for longer user retention. The text is optimized for legibility. Viewers will get a good experience reading through the blog.

    Here is an unordered list

    • Item 1
    • Item 2
    • Item 3

    and an ordered list

    1. Item 1
    2. Item 2
    3. Item 3


    Syntax Hihglighting

     * Does a thing
    function helloWorld(param1, param2) {
      var something = 0;
      // Do something
      if (2.0 % 2 == something) {
        console.log('Hello, world!');
      } else {
        return null;
      // @TODO comment


    This is an important sentence from the paragraph.

    Another blockquote.

    With multiple lines!


    This is a simple markdown table

    Tables Are Cool
    col 3 is right-aligned $1600
    col 2 is centered $12
    zebra stripes are neat $1

    | Tables        | Are           | Cool  |
    | ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
    | col 3 is      | right-aligned | $1600 |
    | col 2 is      | centered      |   $12 |
    | zebra stripes | are neat      |    $1 |

    Installation Guide

    Right after the purchase, you will get a zip folder with the following files.

    ├── _data
    |   ├── main.yml
    ├── _includes
    |   ├── author.html
    |   └── header.html
    |   └── footer.html
    |   .
    |   .
    ├── _layouts
    |   ├── default.html
    |   └── post.html
    ├── _posts
    |   ├──
    |   └──
    ├── _pages
    |   ├──
    |   └──
    |   .
    |   .
    ├── _sass
    |   └── _auhtor.scss
    |   └── _google-fonts.scss
    |   .
    |   .
    ├── _config.yml
    ├── assets
    ├── blog
    ├── images
    └── index.html

    You can serve this locally using the command bundle exec jekyll serve.

    Make necessary changes in the _config.yml, _data/main.yml files.

    All these files can be put in a repository(GitHub, GitLab etc) or hosting service where Jekyll is supported.

    If Jekyll is not supported, then use the _site/ folder which is actually a complete rendered website in itself.

    Do contact us for any help - [email protected].